Exeant: let them go out

Approving visits

Initial Approval

If Initial Approval is configured on your site, the EVC at an establishment is required to grant Initial Approval of outline details of each visit before the visit leader can go ahead and enter complete details of the visit.

Once a visit is submitted for Initial Approval, the EVC receives a notification message, and can follow a link in the message in order to see the visit details, check that everything is ok, and then grant or reject approval as appropriate.

Depending on local configuration and policy, the EVC may be able to decide whether or not the head and/or the employer needs to also grant approval for a visit, or these requirements may be decided automatically (e.g. both may need to approve overnight and overseas visits).

When rejecting Initial Approval (and optionally also when granting it) the EVC can add some notes giving reasons for rejection or mentioning points to be aware of when planning the visit.

The visit leader is sent a notification message on approval or rejection.

EVC, Head and Employer approval

These approvals can be granted in any order in line with local custom and policy. Notification messages containing links to the visit are sent when approval is required. As with Initial Approval, there is the facility to add notes detailing reasons for rejection or points to note.

Once an approval is given, if the visit leader subsequently edits the visit details, a notification message is sent to the approver to tell them what has changed and to give them the option to remove their approval. If a visit is edited after EVC Approval has been granted, the ECV's approval is automatically removed. This allows the EVC to keep abreast of all changes which might affect the visit, and to ensure that the EVC has checked all details before the visit is finally allowed to go ahead.

Approving visits
Information for EVCs, heads and employers on granting or rejecting approval for visits to go ahead.